- Full Hotel description
- Room Inventory Details
- List of Hotel Facilities
- List of Room Amenities
- High-res hotel pictures
- Hotel Brochure in PDF or video or 360 degree pictures
- Wholesale travel contract and promotion
Your hotel confidential tariff are disclosed to public and it can be viewed by business partners only who had registered to be our member.
We will update monthly our members and clients with tourism news and hotel’s promotion through our monthly newsletter. Your hotel will be also promoted monthly to our members by your own promotion E-flyer.
Our members and clients are:
- Over 1800 travel agents in Vietnam
- Over 4000 overseas tour operators
- Over 2000 overseas corporate companies
- Over 50 online travel agents
- Over 5000 corporate companies in Vietnam including all commercial companies, embassies, consulates, business associations, members of Eurocham, Amcham, and airlines
- Over 30,000 personal emails of golfers, directors, CEOs, cars owners, real estate owners, etc.
- Over 300 local and overseas Media outlets including magazines, journalists, and TV channels. is also promoted via our daily sales calls operated by our sales team to our business partners such as travel agents and business companies.
We also promote our website via various marketing tools online and offline to make this website well-known in Vietnam in particular and overseas countries in general.
Please contact us for any further questions.